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Culture and methodology

Joan of Arc became a significant figure in the development of Metaveran methodology. The need to make a truce with France’s traditional enemy – England, its colonial claims in Africa and the tension in the Balkans, which became a pretext for unleashing World War I, all necessitated the propagation of patriotism and imposing the brave fighter as a role model in a country of sleepy hedonism. The canonisation of the Maid of Orleans at a time of devastating struggle against Germany succeeded in whipping up the battle spirit amongst the soldiers who had distanced themselves from the idea of heroism. The simple French peasant girl who pontificated to generals on how to conduct war represented a political and operational masterstroke. The remnants of the mummy of an Egyptian cat, preserved as the burnt remnants of the martyr, whom numerous millions had unwittingly worshipped, whipped up a discussion of the theme of fiction as a socially useful creation. The activities of Metaverans more and more often found themselves in competition with the offices of state administration, founded to fulfil similar roles. Successful promotion of events with universal appeal precipitated the development of a methodology which had hitherto been the exclusive domain of the monks of the Order.


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