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Metavera’s contemporary economics is based on mining imaginate ore. In the 19th century, the pioneers of mining imaginate ore drilled in generally accessible areas. The value of the raw material, which grew in inverse ratio to the level of investment needed, caused the government first to nationalise the sector and then quickly privatise it. Since 18 May 1988 – the year in which the NIE company (Natural Imagon Exploration), licensed to extract the ore – acquired the right to control the market, each unauthorised individual attempt to exploit the valuable raw material has been pursued legally on the basis of a decree which limits the proliferation of individual creative constructions without a material basis. The market of Value Added is considered to be an arena of economic activity that is developing dynamically, albeit it has not been fully tried and tested; the market makes it possible to distribute imaginate in the form of artefacts. Popular auctions of artistic derivatives and packages of careers secured against criticism and a value crisis offer, on the one hand, employment to artists who are not part of the system, and on the other, guarantee prestige to the clients subjugated to the rules of collaboration with opinion providers, thereby at the same time extending the market and the arena of activity. The theme of the auction of careers is taken up by the Metavera National Opera in ‘The Hysterical Museum of Mme Eurosa’, shown in the Silesian Opera in 2005.


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