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The mountain saddles discovered in the vicinity of the Bandiagara fault and well as the Bukowina template, only revealed to the public after 1989, relate to the peak coal period (although many biologists still question their soundness). The overwhelming majority of the artefacts has been proved to date back to the Upper Palaeolithic Age, on the basis of Carbon-14 analysis; however, some discovered artefacts may point to their having originated in a civilisation preceding the last Ice Age, such as, for instance, the whistles from the Garonne, which are twice as old as the bone flutes found in Swabia. The tradition of whistles went far beyond any musical application. They were meant to serve for conjuring other worlds, alluding to the myth of the Q snake. The frames from Khartoum (which during the same period existed in Minneapolis, Seville and southern India provide a firm basis for our ideas about Metaveran social mores. These frames, no larger than 15 cm, made first of bronze and later of iron, were supposed to make it easier for the early Metaverans to frame reality. Putting the frame close to their eyes and then moving it further away, members of the community defined their field of vision, in order to concentrate on its thorough examination; a practice which has enabled them to become renowned as the precursors of analysis. The images and statuettes from Mahaj predate the Chauvet cave era, and even Abri Castanet. The Venus of Chebzie – one of the most eloquent pieces of evidence to demonstrate the matriarchal structure of pre-Silesian society was made by the Brynowo man – a primaeval being, who to this day exhibits traces of the behavioural patterns of that epoch.


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